Declutter your life

It’s time to Declutter your life.

by Michelle Wolf, February 23, 2015

When was the last time you decluttered? If recently, than great! but if you haven’t recently, you should probably get to it. I’m talking about decluttering physically, mentally and spiritually. Apparently, decluttering can actually help you loose weight and relieve anxiety – along with many other benefits.

So, what is clutter? According to Webster Dictionary, clutter is a disorderly heap or assemblage; a state or condition of confusion; or to fill or litter with things in a disorderly matter.

Often we find ourselves clinging onto things, storing them because we feel emotionally attached to ‘clutter’. This clutter does not provide us any benefits and just takes up vital space – eventually it will leave you feel utterly drained. Do you have clutter? If so, do you realize you have the power to do something about it? Put some action into it! I’m sure you have thought about it and your response would be “well,…I’ve been meaning to get to it but…” – if you have said that before than you should probably look at your priorities.

There are three main things you should focus on when you want to declutter. One, it is your physical matter. Two, it is your mental matter. Three, your Spiritual Matter.

Physical Clutter: When its no longer useful to you, or you haven’t used it in months. If six months ago you told yourself that you planned to sell it but never got around to it, guess what? get up and sell it because it is clutter. If two years ago you shoved it on a shelf and told yourself you might need it sometime and haven’t touched it since – guess what? its clutter. If you keep it around and have no use for it and it has no value, guess what? its clutter. Sentimental things are okay, in moderation.

We all have that junk drawer that have nothing but random stuff in it, and we all dread to open it. But take some time out of your day to go through it and throw out what you no longer need, and organize it. Go through your closet, remove clothes you don’t use anymore. Donate them! Shred documents that are no longer needed!

Ask yourself these questions:

“Do I use it daily, weekly or monthly, yearly?”

“What does this item do for me that nothing else does?”

“Does this item benefit me?”

“Is this item out of date?”

“Does it have value in the market?”

“When was the last time I used it?”

“Will I ever use it again?”

“Is it something that can be replaced in the future if needed?”

When cleaning, organize your objects in a boxes while decluttering “Keep”, “Trash”, “Giveaway” and “Sell”

Mental Clutter: Mental clutter can come around as negative thoughts, grudges, bad habits, fears, worries. Moving forward, letting go, spa time and changing the way you think will help you declutter your mind.

Spiritual Clutter: Spiritual Clutter is a bit tricky because it can apply to different things, this can be energy (like chakras). Try practicing yoga, meditation, clearing chakras, using singing bowls, smudging, etc.

Don’t procrastinate! Get to it! Clear space – it will benefit you greatly.

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Michelle Wolf
Hey there, I'm Michelle. I am an admin at and a few other websites. I admire anything metaphysical and spiritual. I really enjoy learning about Hinduism & Buddhism. I love working with candles, herbs, stones, incense and divination. Tarot cards are one of my favorite things. I love fitness and eating healthy. I like to inspire and help other people!