7 Ways to feel better

7 ways to start feeling better about yourself

by Michelle Wolf, December 29, 2014

Admit it, we have all been in a position where we have felt unproductive. Emotions come and go, and that is okay. It is only natural to feel down time to time. But come on, lets be honest here, it isn’t any fun feeling down. So when you catch yourself feeling the blue, try these seven tips to feeling better.




1. Complimenting & Helping Others: As the saying goes, ‘if you help someone up the hill, you get closer yourself.’ This is a serious happiness boost. Complimenting, giving, and helping others totally effects your Psyche.

2. Exercise:  This helps to increase the production of your brain’s endorphins (this is what makes you feel good!).  Literally, it is a natural high. So go out and play a sport, run, swim – just do it!

3. Meditation: Meditation balances you physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s like pressing an internal ‘reset’ button. It will help your sense of well being, help you make better choices, increase your focus, and allow you see things clearly.  Not to mention it melts stress away. If you have trouble meditating you can try guided meditation.

4. Healthy Food Choices: Eating healthy foods increases your energy, and more energy means a better mood! Plus, just knowing that your nurturing your body should make you feel pretty awesome.

5. Socializing: That’s right, spending time with your loved ones or pets is a real mood lift! Talking to people who care about you makes all the difference. Sometimes we just need a little love!

6. Listening to uplifting music: Music has a powerful effect on your brain, its what gets you from mad to happy, unmotivated to motivated (at the gym i’m sure we have experienced this already!) and so much more. In fact, a recent study on patients with Alzheimer shows that music can bring back memories and emotions.

7.  Relaxing: That’s right, a nice spa time for yourself. So go fill that bathtub up, light the candles and go to your happy place!

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Michelle Wolf
Hey there, I'm Michelle. I am an admin at Modern-Buddha.net and a few other websites. I admire anything metaphysical and spiritual. I really enjoy learning about Hinduism & Buddhism. I love working with candles, herbs, stones, incense and divination. Tarot cards are one of my favorite things. I love fitness and eating healthy. I like to inspire and help other people!