15 Minute Attitude Fix

by Michelle Wolf, January 21, 2015

Having a bad day?

Had a bad week?

Had a bad month?

It happens.



But I’m sure at some point you are just sick of being sick about having such a bad day. It just seems that when you are frustrated, and the more your are frustrated, the more frustrating things happen and you seem to get even more frustrated again. Well guess what? this is the vicious cycle that we tend to put ourselves in. When you begin to think this way, take a deep breath and step back from the situation. You are allowing your mentality to make “sucky” situations THAT much worse. Lets face it, the situation sucks – so your going to get mad and allow yourself to feel even more like crap? It doesn’t help, and it wont. You wont feel better and start to see changes until you chill out, and accept it. So what can you do about it? Give yourself 15 minutes to stop focusing on what happened that sucked and start focusing on things that don’t suck, even the smallest things! I want you to focus on gratitude. 

Try this:

1. Focus on things that makes you happy.

2. Focus on things you already have and are grateful for.

3. Focus on how you are lucky, because things could be worse.

4. Take deep slow breaths.

5. If its appropriate enough, make a joke about the sucky situation.

6. Tell yourself its okay and it will be taken care of.

7. Remind yourself of your good qualities.

8. Be mindful!

9. Stay Calm.

10. Sing & Laugh.

11. Affirmations

Try taking those steps to change your attitude and think positively within 15 minutes. If you do it right, I’m sure you will see some changes! Within those positive thoughts, you will begin to see more positive activity and you will draw this positive energy into your life. Your mind is powerful, so take the reigns and get control of your thoughts. After the first 15 minutes, you can later take other steps to release frustration.

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Michelle Wolf
Hey there, I'm Michelle. I am an admin at Modern-Buddha.net and a few other websites. I admire anything metaphysical and spiritual. I really enjoy learning about Hinduism & Buddhism. I love working with candles, herbs, stones, incense and divination. Tarot cards are one of my favorite things. I love fitness and eating healthy. I like to inspire and help other people!